Dwell Click allows you to control your phone using a pointing device such as a bluetooth mouse, joystick or head-tracking device.
A cross-hairs tracks your movements and when you keep still for a moment mouse clicks and other gestures can be automatically executed.
You can also disable the dwell function and just use the app to improve the mouse pointer visibility as well as provide handy soft-keys.
You can evaluate Dwell Click using your finger on the screen. Move the cross-hairs to where to want, wait, and a click will be automatically generated.
Dwell Click is an Accessibility Tool and as such must be enabled as an accessibilty service in order to function correctly. When enabled as an Accessibility service Dwell Click can draw overlays on the screen and perform gestures.
Visit www.housemate.ie for further information. Our 'Point-It! Joystick' product is ideal for use with Dwell Click.